Counterfeit products on Amazon - Do not purchase from unauthorized counterfeit sellers
Currently our listing on Amazon is being hijacked. ClimberGoods does not authorize any resellers of our products or distributors of our...

ClimberGoods mug featured in BUZZFEED!
So happy to see that BUZZFEED has listed our mug as one of the "must haves" on a current gift list! Check out this and other great mugs...

Vive le France!
Our good friends from PlanetGrimpe over in France were nice enough to include us in their most recent newsletter! We don't speak french...

Climbergoods at Grand Opening party ASCEND Pittsburgh
Climbergoods is attending our first ever live event! From 1-6pm today Pittsburghs largest and newest rock climbing gym will be hosting...

Best Rock Climbing products on Amazon.com
Our mug made the list of "best rock climbing gifts found on Amazon". The list was curated by WeGravy.com which is a best of amazon type...

Custom rock climbing key chains
The Palouse climbing festival in Idaho is in for a treat. We made two unique designs of our rock climbing key chains for them. For more...

Custom rock climbing mugs
Custom printed climbing mugs with your local gym's name on them! This one has the logo/name of our local Pittsburgh climbing gym on it....

Creating holds
I found this article in the Climbing business journal titled "Shaping the industry" and thought I would share. Most people who stand...

Volunteer Support - Southern AZ
We recently teamed up with The climbing Association of Southern Arizona (CASA). They are doing great things for the local climbing...

Dirty Dozen
Pittsburgh Dirty Dozen Check out this local bike race here in Pittsburgh. It is a competition to see who can complete 13 of the steepest...