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Counterfeit products on Amazon - Do not purchase from unauthorized counterfeit sellers

Currently our listing on Amazon is being hijacked. ClimberGoods does not authorize any resellers of our products or distributors of our products. All ClimberGoods mugs have a ClimberGoods logo stamped on the bottom of the mug and we are the only one to sell them to our customers. We are the original manufacturers and - We do not wholesale.

This is a picture of the bottom stamp on one of our mugs for verification. This mark has been in existence since we designed the current model of our product in 2016: Every variation of our product, whether it be the 16 oz., or any of the 3 different models of our 12 oz design all have this stamp!

ClimberGoods puts immense amounts of time and energy into making sure that our product is not harmful or a danger to anyone. We strive for perfection in every mug that we send to our customers. We recognized a problem of handles falling off when gluing them on in 2014 which was our first year of business. We re-engineered the product a year later with great success! The method we used to attach the handle back then, is still in use today and we have served over 100,000 customers with less than 1% failure rate!

This photo came from a recent customer review on the ClimberGoods listing. As you can see the handle here is differently shaped than ours and it was glued on. We have reported these hijackers constantly to Amazon and are working tirelessly to make sure that this comes to an end but in the in-between time - PLEASE BEWARE - DO NOT PURCHASE FROM ANYONE OTHER THAN CLIMBERGOODS AND MAKE SURE THAT YOUR ORDER IS FULFILLED BY AMAZON OR CLIMBERGOODS!



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